Thursday, March 15, 2012

Atlantic Corridor/Sony Ericsson Primary Science Competition

Cahir Boys NS were very proudly represented by 4 pupils from 3rd class in the Middle Primary School section of this national competition. Having won their regional section in Carlow last month the four boys, Liam O'Neill, Jack Buckley, Simon Ungurean and Bassem Salib, were giddy with excitement with the prospect of explaining the class project to the judges. They were very proud to represent their class and school in this competition. There were 15 schools, out of 200 original entrants, were brought together for the national finals.
It meant an early start to the day, leaving Cahir at 7.00pm. Unlike the last time there was no need to wake anyone out of bed as all were ready for the trip. Class teacher, Yvonne Fahy, drove a full car of posters, boats, props, science equipment, baths and of course, the pupils!!! The motorway made a huge difference to the travel time, going via Portlaoise and Tullamore.
We were the first group there and it gave all a chance to get set up for the displays. The level of preparation meant all the equipment was squeezed into a tight area, the width of a table and 2 display boards.
Then it was chance to see the other projects on Canal Habitats, Farm Safety, Air Pressure, Ultrasounds on Sheep, Wormeries, Climate Studies, Coca Cola and a few other projects that proved a wonderful display of primary school science.
Judging took its time and the lads were worn out. Luckily they got a snack before the judges arrived at their table so they were up for the presentation. The judges looked like they enjoyed the four boys and their explanation of the properties of water and the many different aspects of their project.
At the end of judging all the children were treated to a science show while awaiting the results. They were eager participants and Simon was a lucky volunteer for one experiment.
While the boys were unfortunate not to be in any of the prize winners on the day they are a credit to their families, their fellow pupils, their class teacher, Yvonne Fahy and themselves.
A special word of thanks to Yvonne Fahy who pushed this project through the class over the last number of months. This whole class project certainly provided motivation & inspiration to the pupils and will help them go forward for the rest of the year.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Back To School!

CBNS opens for 2011/12 on Wednesday, August 31st at 9:20 a.m.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

FAI soccer

thanks to the FAI soccer coaches for a great 5 week training course. the boys from 4th class really enjoyed it!

Butterfly Patch - 5th Class

Congratulations to Colin McEniry, who won a poster competition to design a poster for the butterfly patch which is being set up in the Inch Field. The class were down last Friday to help prepare the ground & set some seeds to grow wild flowers to attract the butterflies.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Sergiu Ciobanu Visit!

We were visited by Sergiu Ciobanu on Friday, April 1st. Sergiu is from Moldova, but now lives in Cahir. He is the National Marathon Champion 2009 & 2010, & also won the Cork Marathon in 2010. It was great to have a National Champion visit CBNS. The 4th class boys even had the chance to do a warm-up with Sergiu. We wish him the best for the future!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Scór na bPáistí - Success

Congratulations to Colin McEniry, Eoin Rowe & Eoin O'Neill from 5th class. The boys won the General Knowledge/History & GAA quiz in Scór na bPáistí in Clonmel on Sunday, March 20th.

The boys will now go on to represent South Tipperary in the county Scór next Sunday, March 27th in Cashel.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Tree Day 2010

Mr. Kennedy & Miss Jeffries classes headed to Dundrum Woods on Wednesday, March 9th. We were taken through the woods by a speaker from Coillte. We learned about the trees of the forest & were also given a talk by the local ranger, & shown many of the animals.

A "flippin" great Pancake Tuesday!

4th class had fun making ( & eating ) pancakes on Pancake Tuesday, March 8th.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Fresh Start

Dear Parent,
Due to the ongoing activities it has been difficult to keep this blog up to date. It is our intention to create an editing group, whose role it will be to enter interesting topics from the school on a regular basis. Simple entries from pupils, photos of school activities and free writing activities will try to make this site more active and relevant to pupils and parents.
Brendan Horan.