Monday, May 18, 2009

Communion 2009

Congratulations to all the boys and girls who made their First Holy Communion on Saturday May 16th in Cahir. Everyone was excellent, the readings, gifts and singing made the ceremony one to remember!
Mr. Kennedy & Mr. Sherlock would like to congratulate 2nd class on such a great Communion Mass! We also thank Miss Sheehan and the girls who made communion from the girls school. Well done everyone on making it a day to remember!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Friday, May 15, 2009

Primary Science Award Winners

Cahir Boys NS
Discover Primary Science
6th class Science Open Day

Cahir Boys NS were announced as award winners in the Discover Primary Science Project in Primary Schools. Below is an account of the School Open Day held recently.

On Tuesday 28th April 2009, 1st class and 6th class held a science open-day; we showed a variety of different science experiments. Teachers, pupils and parents were welcome to come along to view them.

Stephen, Kevin and Martin made 2-D and 3-D K’nex models, showing their engineering skills. Daniel, Oskar and Richie made a lighthouse to show how an electric current can light up a bulb. Kearoles and Karl made a tornado machine by connecting two plastic bottles and putting in some water and swirling it to create a tornado effect.

Jerome, Ryan and Patryk made a diorama of the solar system, while John, Sean and Evan displayed the equipment and methods of measuring density, mass and volume. Dean produced a top-class piece of animation via a laptop and projector. Kevin also showed a computerised display of selected car facts.

Daniel, Robbie and Wotjek produced a 3-D soccer pitch to show how a magnetic force can be used in a game. Nathan, Graham, Cormac and Michael used a glass prism, a battery operated spinner and spectrum or rainbow coloured disks to show how to make white light.

Ryan, Joe and Hayden demonstrated how our self-made life buoys work in a water pool. Brian, Sean and Ian demonstrated how to create static electricity. Whilst Patrick, Eoin and Brian demonstrated how we would know if a substance was an acid or a base using a red cabbage indicator.