Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Anti-Bullying Policy


Introductory Statement
Cahir Boys National School endeavours to provide a positive and caring environment for all members. Our anti-bullying policy aims to foster and assist the making of such an environment.

We want our school to be a caring school, free from intimidation by word, deed, look or exclusion; a place where every person feels cared for and listened to.

We do not condone bullying behaviour in our school. We know that bullying thrives on secrecy and that bullies rely on silence. The more people are aware and the more people who "tell" the easier it is to stop bullying behaviour. We want our school to be a telling and sharing school and we encourage our members to tell someone.

Whoever you tell will know what to do. First of all they will listen to you seriously. First actions are normally on a "no blame" basis. This means the person doing the bullying will be made aware is how hurtful the behaviour is, that it must stop and that they will be monitored.

If the activity continues then the school will take some or all of the following steps ­
- Question those involved - Take statements
- Notify parents
- Use sanctions from code of behaviour including suspension

TELL someone You will be listened to You will be helped

· You will be told to stop
· If you continue your parents will be informed You may be suspended

It is recognised internationally that bullying behaviour is not confined to schools. It is prevalent in society, in the workplace and in the home. To counteract bullying behaviour, it is important that all involved with children have an understanding of the factors which give rise to bullying. A high degree of collective vigilance is needed throughout the local community, the school, other agencies and by parents if' bullying behaviour is to be identified and dealt with in a fair and equitable manner.

While recognising and accepting that a community approach is essential in dealing with bullying, we also recognise that the school is in a unique position to promote attitudes and to shape patterns of behaviour which are positive and caring.

In accordance with this:
The school recognises the need for teachers and parents / guardians to communicate and co­operate with each other to maintain good relationships within the school community.
The school recognises the responsibility of. parents to share in the task of equipping their children with a range of skills which will help them in their dealings with others.
The staff recognise that we share a responsibility to act in preventing bullying/ aggressive behaviour by any member of the school.
The school acknowledges the uniqueness of each individual and his/her worth as a human being. It therefore aims to foster self respect and self discipline in the child. Respect for and courtesy towards each other is encouraged and an awareness of the inter dependence of the group/ school community is fostered.
The school acknowledges the right of each child to enjoy school in a secure environment. It therefore promotes qualities of social responsibility, tolerance and understanding amongst the children both in school and out of school.
The school aims to take particular care of all pupils and to respond to their needs, fears or anxieties.

1. Since failure to report bullying can lead to a continuation or deterioration of bullying the school and parents encourage children to disclose and discuss incidents of bullying behaviour. This can be with the class teacher, the teacher on duty at the time, the principal or with parents. This is a "telling school" as defined in Stay Safe Programme. Children will therefore be constantly assured that their reports of bullying either for themselves or peers will be treated with sensitivity.
2. An Incident Report Book will be kept by each teacher in which each pupil's profile is kept. This book and the school bullying scheme and policy have been worked out over a series of meetings between the Parents' Council and the Principal and Post Holders on the staff during the winter term. It has been endorsed by both parties.
3. If a pupil is reported more than four times in a month then the parent or guardian of that pupil will be interviewed by the principal and the class teacher. The presence of the pupil at that interview is required.
4. Repeated incidents of bullying behaviour will be noted by the class teacher and or the teacher on duty and into incident report book.
5. Incidents will be investigated - what, who, when, where, why? will help here.
6. Serious incidents/ persistent problems will be reported to the principal/ vice principal.
7. If a gang is involved, they will be rnet both individually and as agroup. Each member will be asked for his/her account of what happened to ensure that everyone is clear about what everyone else has said. This account may be oral or written.
8. Pupils who are not directly involved can also provide very useful information in this way and will be expected to assist in the investigation. Children should understand that there are no innocent bystanders where bullying is concerned.
9. The "bully" will be asked to reflect on his/her behaviour and its consequences for himself/herself and for the person who is the victim.
10. Parents will be made aware of this behaviour and requested to come and discuss it with the teacher/principal with a view to resolving the problem.
11. The situation will continue to be monitored to ensure that the problem has been resolved.
12. In the ca.se of a complaint regarding a staff member, this should normally in the first instance be raised with the staff member in question and if necessary, with the Principal.
13. Where cases, relating to either pupil or a teacher remain unresolved at school level, the matter should be referred to the School's Board of Management. If it is not resolved at Board level the matter may be referred to the Department of Education.

This policy operates in accordance with the school Code of Behaviour and is in line with the Guidelines for Procedures for Anti-Bullying in Primary Schools.