Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Child Protection Statement

Child Protection Policy Statement
In line with the ethos of Cahir Boys NS the aim is to provide a safe environment for both teaching and learning.

We, as a school community, are aware of the “Children First” National Guidelines for the Protection and Welfare of Children published by the Department of Health and Children and of the “Child Protection” Guidelines published by the Department of Education and Science.
It is the policy of Cahir Boys NS to follow these guidelines.

The Board of Management has appointed the Principal as Designated Liaison Person (DLP) and the Deputy Principal as Deputy Liaison Person.
Should the DLP need to consult with a parent in line with the procedures laid down in the guidelines, the Board recommends that the Deputy Liaison Person also be present.

Education on Child Protection issues shall be provided to pupils through the Social and Personal Health Education (SPHE) Curriculum under the strand unit of Safety and Protection using the Stay Safe Programme and other suitable material as a resource.