Cahir Boys NS
Code of Discipline/Behaviour
The Board of Management has ultimate responsibility for discipline in the school and a duty to ensure that a fair Code of Discipline applies therein. This Code should be formulated by the Principal and Teaching Staff in consultation with Parents and be approved by the Board.
The following is The Code of Behaviour of Cahir Boys NS (Roll: 18716T) and was devised by the Principal and Teaching Staff in consultation with the Board of Management and Parents’ Representatives.
The Catholic Ethos of the School is to establish and maintain high standards of behaviour. This points to the importance of the strong sense of community within the school and the existence of a high level of co-operation among teachers, ancillary staff, pupils, parents, parents’ association and the Board. The emphasis is placed on the need to give the children every possible opportunity to develop good behaviour. The aim is that each individual child is nurtured and accommodated and every child has a right to education free from disruption and bad behaviour.
School Mission Statement:
Cahir Boys NS, a Roman Catholic School under the patronage of the Bishop of Waterford & Lismore, aims at promoting the full and harmonious development of all aspects of the person of the pupil: intellectual, physical, cultural, moral and spiritual, including a living relationship with God and with other people. The school models and promotes a philosophy of life inspired by belief in God and in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Cahir Boys NS provides Religious Education for the pupils in accordance with the doctrines, practices and tradition of the Roman Catholic Church and promotes the formation of the pupils in the Catholic Faith.
School Aims and Objectives
· To enable the pupil to live a full life as a child.
· To prepare the children for life by teaching true Christian Values and helping them to practise and cherish those values in daily life.
· To prepare the pupils to take their place with confidence in Second-Level schools.
· To assist the pupils in becoming full and useful members of society.
· To support the teachers in developing programmes of learning suitable to the abilities and ages of the pupils.
· To develop teacher – parent relations to benefit the learning environment of each individual pupil.
The Code of Behaviour aims to achieve 3 things
The efficient running of the school, with structured in-class discipline to maintain and develop an efficient, stimulating, secure learning environment.
Evolve good classroom behaviour into a positive school environment, based on respect for all.
The development of self-discipline in pupils based on consideration, respect, equality and tolerance for all.
To achieve a happy learning environment for the child to reach his potential, a promotion of constructive behaviour and discouraging unacceptable behaviour is necessary. The school aims to put a greater emphasis on rewards, rather than sanctions and shall work in conjunction with parents in assisting pupils acquire self-discipline. The school recognises that there are times where sanctions shall be the appropriate response to certain behaviours. The school recognises the individuality of the child, and each incident is dealt with based on the facts, the child and the severity of the discipline matter.
School Rules are kept to a minimum – currently 5:
Respect Everyone
Uniform must be worn
Leaving Play Area is not allowed (without permission)
Eat, Drink and Go to the toilet before going out on yard
Stand quietly in line when the bell rings.
At the beginning of each school year, each class, with the guidance of the teacher agrees class rules. These rules are displayed on a chart in the classroom. They are kept clear and simple aimed at developing a safe, secure, comfortable learning situation for everyone.
Expectations of Behaviour
· Each pupil is expected to be well behaved and to show consideration for other children and adults
· Each pupil is expected to show respect for the property of the school, other children’s and their own belongings
· Each pupil is expected to attend school on a regular basis and to be punctual
· Each pupil is expected to do his best both in school and for homework.
1. The school code of discipline states that the school should provide an environment where the child is physically safe and happy and where good relationships are fostered between pupils, teachers, parents/guardians and others involved in the running of the school.
2. Every effort will be made by all members of staff to adopt a positive approach to the question of behaviour in the school. The code offers a framework within which positive techniques of motivation and encouragement are utilised by teachers.
3. The school places greater emphasis on rewards than on sanctions so in the long-term this will lead to better results.
4. The school recognises that children are different and individual and recognises the need to accommodate these differences.
5. It is agreed that a high standard of behaviour requires a strong sense of community within the school and a high level of co-operation among and between staff, pupils and parents.
6. School Rules are kept to a minimum and are positively stated in terms of what pupils should do.
7. All efforts will be made to match the curriculum to abilities; aptitudes and interests aimed at reducing boredom, lack of interest or progress.
8. The responsibility for school discipline rests with the Principal. Each teacher is responsible for the maintenance of classroom discipline and shares the common responsibility for good order within the school grounds. A pupil will be referred to the Principal for serious breaches of discipline and repeated incidents of minor misbehaviour.
9. The following strategies may be used in dealing with unacceptable behaviour:
(a) Reasoning with the pupil
(b) Communication with parents
Involving parents in management of problem behaviour
‘Parents should be kept fully informed from the outset of instances of serious misbehaviour on the part of their children. It is better to involve parents at an early stage than as a last resort.’ (Circular 20/90).
(c) Reprimand (with advice on proper behaviour)
(d) Temporary separation from peers, friends or others.
(e) Prescribed additional work, either in school or for home as appropriate. Pupils may be asked to complete a standard 4 W form – What I did? Why I did it? Which rule did I break? What I should do to make it right? A signature from parents may be sought.
(f) Loss of privileges
(g) Supervised Detention during breaks
(h) Referral to the Principal
(i) Suspension (temporary) – Where there are repeated instances of serious behaviour, including bullying, or an incidence of gross misbehaviour the Chairperson of the Board shall be informed. Parents shall be called to discuss the incident, recorded in the School Incident Book. Should the Principal, following consultation with the Chairperson, deem a Suspension appropriate, then the Principal has been given authority by the Board for a maximum of 3 days suspension. A greater period of detention would have to be voted on by Board members. Each case is based on its merits, the child himself and the seriousness of the incident. A record of events shall be kept.
Teachers shall keep a written record on incidents of serious misbehaviour and record improvements in pupil behaviour. The normal channels of communication between school and parents will be utilised before resorting to serious sanctions. The aim is that parents will be involved at an early stage in the process, rather than as the last resort.
10. Communication will be verbal or written or both, depending on the circumstances. The parents concerned will be invited to discuss their child’s case. For gross misbehaviour and repeated instances of serious misbehaviour, suspension will be considered.
11. Aggressive, threatening or violent behaviour towards a teacher will be regarded as serious or gross misbehaviour.
12. Every effort will be made to have emotionally disturbed children referred for psychological assessment. Help will be sought from support services within the wider community, e.g. Community Care Services provided by Health Boards, the Garda Síochána etc.
Rewards for Good Behaviour – the following may be used at the discretion of the teacher.
Certificates of Merit e.g. Student of the Week to reward work and/or behaviour.
Points/Star System, leading to a small reward
Oral & Written praise – in homework diary for recognition at home
Homework off as appropriate
Extra privileges given to promote good behaviour
Prizes for merit
Good behaviour must be seen to be rewarded
Role of Parents
The Code of Discipline will not work without the co-operation of parents. If teachers are not working in a harmonious environment, the learning of all children suffers. Parents are invited to keep in close contact with the class teacher and the school with regard to all aspects of their child’s progress.
A copy of the code is included in the Information Booklet for parents when enrolling their child in the school. It is a condition of enrolment and attendance that the code be signed up to and that the child shall abide by this Code of Discipline.
Anti-Bullying Statement (see full school policy)
Cahir Boys NS endeavours to provide a positive, caring environment for all pupils and staff. This policy endeavours to foster and assist the making of such an environment.
¨ The school recognises the need for teachers and parents/guardians to communicate and co-operate to maintain good relationships within the school community.
¨ The school recognises the responsibility of parents to share in equipping their children with a range of skills to help them in dealing with other individuals.
¨ The staff recognises a joint responsibility with parents to prevent bullying and aggressive behaviour in the school.
¨ The school acknowledges the uniqueness of each individual pupil. It aims to foster self-respect and self discipline in pupils. Respect and courtesy are encouraged and an awareness of teamwork is developed in the school.
¨ Each child should enjoy school in a secure environment. The qualities of social responsibility, tolerance and understanding need to be promoted inside and outside of school.
Procedures for dealing with bullying are laid out by the Dept. of Education and are in the School Plan. Reporting by pupils/parents is essential. Without it, the school is unable to act on such an important issue.
In conjunction with school policies, the code of discipline shall be reviewed at the beginning or end of the school year, as appropriate. It shall be initiated by the teaching staff and consulted with the other members of the school community, the parents’ council and the Board of Management.
Following consultation with the Parents’ Council and the Board of Management the Code shall be ratified at a full meeting:
Appendix 1
What type of behaviour is not acceptable?
lHumiliation - including name-calling or teasing about doing well at school (or not)
lIntimidation - including aggressive body language
lVerbal abuse - to someone’s face or behind their back
lPhysical abuse or threatened abuse - such as hitting, pushing or kicking
lAggressive or obscene language - including sexual references
lOffensive jokes - spoken or in writing, by e-mail or text messages
lVictimisation - picking on someone, including making very personal remarks
lExclusion and isolation - deliberately leaving people out of activities
lIntrusion - such as interfering with belongings
lThreats - including demands for money
lAttacks on someone's reputation - for example by rumour, gossip, innuendo or ridicule
Other incidents of unacceptable behaviour shall be dealt with as they arise.
Categories of Misconduct
Serious Misbehaviour
Gross Misbehaviour
Talking in Class
‘Messing’ in Class
Not paying attention
Eating (without permission)
Homework not done without good reason.
Leaving school yard without permission
Not doing class work
Telling lies (white lie – self preservation)
Continuous talking in class
Continuous messing in class
Eating in class after warning
Repeatedly not doing homework
Repeated disobedience
Not doing class work after warning
Blatant bad manners
Answering Back
Deliberate lies
Bad language
Bad language to staff
Questioning of teachers’ authority, decisions
Repeated or serious theft
Serious disrespect
Serious insolence
Deliberate damage to property
Continuous bullying
Deliberate injury to another pupil
Threat to a staff member / pupil
Deliberate injury to staff member
Deliberate lies against other pupils’/staffs’ character.
The degree and severity of all forms of bad behaviour is considered in relation to intent, history of behaviours, the individual pupil and circumstances that surround the incident. The discretion with which such considerations lie with the Principal.